Sanho Chung 鍾燊豪

Sanho Chung 鍾燊豪

Ph.D. Candidate in Political Science

University of Arizona

About Sanho

I am now a Ph.D. candidate (ABD) in Political Science from the School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP), University of Arizona. I also serve as an organizing member for Global Research Association of Politics in Hong Kong (GRAPH), an international network of scholars studying Hong Kong politics. Previously, I was a Dissertation Fellow at Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. My research interests rest on electoral clientelism, local government arrangements, and general topics on democracy and autocracy, with a regional focus on East Asia, especially Taiwan and Hong Kong. For more about me, please find my latest CV here.

Currently, I have two active strands of research. First, I examine the relationship between subnational centralization and electoral clientelism (i.e. exchange of material favors for political support) at local levels in Taiwan. I argue that subnational centralization, which is empirically operationalized as the abolition of lower-level subnational elections in my study - an intervention that sounds undemocratic in the first place, would curb clientelism, despite its potential harm to local autonomy. Second, I also study general issues concerning the democratic movement and governance of my hometown, Hong Kong, such as student activism, nationalism, corporatism, diaspora movement, etc.

My research has been supported by Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, American Political Science Association (APSA), Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Institute (SBSRI) at the University of Arizona, Mercatus Center at George Mason University, as well as Hong Kong Professional Network (HKPN), among others.

My research outputs have appeared or will appear in Journal of Sport and Social issues, China Perspectives, Journal of Taiwan Politics, and Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal.

I obtained my Master of International Relations (Advanced) from Australian National University in 2016. Prior to that, I received my B.SoSc in Government and International Studies at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2015.

For inquiries and collaboration invitations, please feel free to email me: sanhochung [at] arizona [dot] edu

With Hokkien heritage, I am a first-generation college graduate born and raised in Hong Kong by immigrant parents from rural Fujian. Beyond academic work, I do photography and play FIFA occasionally for leisure. As a general football (soccer) enthusiast, I am a diehard fan of the Hong Kong National Football team and have been rooting for Newcastle United for more than 15 years.

  • Clientelism
  • Local Government Arrangements
  • Democracy and Autocracy
  • Politics of East Asia (Taiwan & Hong Kong)
  • Ph.D. Candidate (ABD) in Political Science, 2024 (Expected)

    University of Arizona

  • Master of International Relations, 2016

    Australian National University

  • B.SoSc in Govt & Intl Studies, 2015

    Hong Kong Baptist University


  • School of Government and Public Policy, 315 Social Science Bldg, 1145 E South Campus Dr, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719
  • sanhochung
Sanho Chung 鍾燊豪